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CAPS Unlock is a Central Asia-focused think tank that has legally re-established itself as an independent entity after the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan. Its mission is to provide high-quality research and policy solutions for challenges that Central Asia is facing, such as growing poverty, inequality, economic failures, geopolitical pressures, and the rise of populism. The think-tank will continue promoting the values of an open society and providing evidential support for the policies and practices that move countries toward liberal democracy. It will also retain a re-granting capacity to fund limited initiatives that test policy proposals and innovative approaches and for grants to regional partner policy institutions working on shared agendas. The think-tank’s primary focus will be on three broad areas, including international actors and Central Asia, social and economic justice, rule of law, digital democracy, and expression. It will explore funding opportunities in Kazakhstan and the broader region to assure financial sustainability and prosperity in the longer term.